Open a web page

Use this action type to open a web page. You can choose what web browser to use.
Action parameters
URL to browse enter the URL (web page address) you want to be opened. You can import Internet Explorer's favorites by clicking the Favorites button.
Open Web Page macros support scripting
Learn more about Hot Keyboard scripting capabilitites
Example:${{ InputBox("Enter item ID") }}
Open with - select a browser to open the web page. Supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera.
Open as desktop application - opens website in a dedicated desktop window, available in Google Chrome only. See tutorial
This macro can be used to open ftp or other internet services supported by the selected browser. Simply specify the full URL, for example: "", "".
Usage ideas:
- Quickly open your favorite web sites
- Some websites require to use a particular browser, you can open them easily with no need to set this browser default
See also:
Networking action type