Scripting engine supports the following operators (all operators except addition support numbers only, addition supports numbers and strings):
Operator description
Operator Description ======================= Arithmetic operators: + Addition. Performs arithmetic addition for numbers and concatenation for strings. Type of the result coincides with the type of the first operand. - Subtraction. * Multiplication. / Division. Bitwise operators: & Bitwise and. | Bitwise or. ^ Bitwise exclusive-or. ~ Bitwise not. Conditional operators (returns non-zero if condition is met, zero otherwise): = Equality test. <> Inequality test. <= Less or equal. < Less. >= Greater or equal. > Greater. Boolean operators (as opposed to the bitwise operators, these ones treat the source operands as boolean values and return boolean result, i.e. 1 & 2 = 0 whereas 1 and 2 = true): and Boolean and. or Boolean or. Special operators: (..) Sub-expression. The result of a sub-expression is its last member, i.e. (1, 2) = 2. F(..) Function call. $.. Variable value.
Operator precedence
1. (..), $.., F(..) 2. ~ 3. *, / 4. +, - 5. =, <>, <=, <, >=, > 6. &, |, ^ 7. and, or
See also: