Data Types
Hot Keyboard scripting supports two types of data - string and number. String is a sequence of ANSI characters and number is a 64-bit IEEE floating point number (i.e. C++ "double" type). Scripting engine converts data from one type to another automatically when needed.
Strings must be enclosed in single or double quotes, e.g.:
and may contain the following special symbols:
\n (line feed) \r (carriage return) \t (tabulation) \\ (backslash itself)
Numbers can be represented in the following format:
DDD decimal integer number DDD.DDD decimal fractional number .DDD --//-- 0xHHH hexadecimal integer number (-DDD) negative decimal
Important Note - negative numbers must be enclosed in brackets:
(-112) iif ( (StrFind($msg, "abc") = (-1) ), ( GoTo "label1" ), (GoTo "label2") )
Paste Text macro to fill out web page login and password. In "Play keys" mode, tabulation and enter characters are simulated as key presses
MyLoginName${{'\t'}}MyPassword${{'\n'}}Remember to password protect such macros
Call function to simulate Escape key press (works for Paste Text macro in "play keys" mode)
${{ PKKey (0, 27) }}
Returns first 100 characters of clipboard content
${{ StrSubStr (Clipboard, 0 , 100) }}
See also: